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2EXP 2020年06月04日

使用产品:supermap object 操作系统:银河麒麟



9,232EXP 2020年06月04日
您好,这个报错可能是由于系统中缺少相关的依赖造成的,您那边可以下载一个Linux版本的iserver。然后在iserver/Supoort目录下执行命令:./dependencies_check_and_install.sh install -y

SuperMapiServerJava8C Installation Instructions.

Info: This script is only suitable for Redhat、CentOS、Suse and Ubuntu platforms

Debug: os_version is 4.0.2

Warn: the debs built in the iServer8C is not suitable for the current operating system ,Because the version are not compatible

Info: please download the debs from CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search),and install them manually

Make sure libc6-i386 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure gcc-5-base in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libgomp1 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libxi6 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure x11-common in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libxtst6 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libxrender1 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libXrandr2 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libglapi-mesa in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libx11-xcb1 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libxcb-glx0 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libxdamage1 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libxxf86vm1 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libxfixes3 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libgl1-mesa-glx in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libGLU1 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libXinerama1 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)

Make sure libXcursor1 in the OS.
You can get the deb from the CD or Internet(eg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search)



有的,我申请的放进去了,而且执行java -jar com.supermap.Lisence.jar -s 没反应。麻烦您再帮我看下。



